Communication Arts Program, Stamford International University organized the academic service activity—“Media Literacy Project”—to health volunteers at Health Center 45 Romklao”
On March 9-10, 2023, at Kheha Romklao, Bangkok,Communication Arts Program, Stamford International University was invited by Office of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (Office of the NBTC) to organize the academic service training “The Project of the Development in People’s Learning Skill for Media Literacy Education on the Purpose of Constructive Use.” Participants were 45 health volunteers at Health Center 45 Romklao, Bangkok.

The training was held by teams of lecturers from Communication Arts program, Stamford International University. The purpose of the project is to provide knowledge and develop people’s learning skills regarding media literacy for constructive use continuously and sustainably in the area. This project is consistent with Notification of The National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission on the Second Broadcasting Master Plan B.E. 2563 – 2568 (2020 – 2025), Masterplan Under Nation Strategy, and The National Reform Program in Mass Communication and Telecommunications Technology, which prescribe the 1st issue and the point of reform regarding people’s media literacy. The purpose is to support the collaboration between the public sectors, private media units, and citizens, in launching a campaign about constructive media use and media literacy for every media kind concretely.

Overall, according to the satisfaction evaluation, participants are very satisfied with the project. Participants are satisfied with activities, and they think the project is interesting. News regarding the project has been publicized by Channel 9 MCOT, and TV5 Online in the form of news articles and video news online.
Channel 9 MCOT:
TV5 Online:
Please see pictures regarding the project by clicking on the link below.